Full DBT programs in the ACT

Welcome to DBT Canberra

ACT therapists trained in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Do you (or does someone you know) have difficulty with:

Complex and challenging behaviours

Managing and regulating emotions

Suicidal and/or harming thoughts & urges

We are now accepting Expressions of Interest for our next module starting soon. Please complete the form.

If you would like to be considered for a future skills group intake you are welcome to fill out the expressions of interest form so we have all your details, or you can contact us at dbtcanberra@gmail.com or by calling 0487 511 664 Alternatively your health care provider can arrange a referral to dbtcanberra@gmail.com

Covid-19 guidelines: DBT Canberra values the health of our staff and clients. We aim to meet face to face for the weekly skills group where possible but adhere to state-wide Covid guidelines. Please do not come to group if you have been unwell or visited a close contact site. We do offer an online alternative on an as needs basis.